Sunday, August 2, 2009

Final Days in Anchorage

The last two days have been kind of rough. The time period immediately following the bar exam seems to be kind of depressing and emotionally abrupt. The first day I stayed in bed a tiny bit hung over and pretty much didn't leave my room for feeling blue. Yesterday was even worse. I felt a little crappy physically and just couldn't face the world. Then I started getting hungry and decided to quit feeling sorry for myself.

After a few phone calls, two friends from my Bar Bri class and I had decided to get dinner at the Moose's Tooth. It was so nice to have a good meal and good company and to get out of the house. It really gave me the jump start I needed. After dinner one of my dinner companions and I went to Barnes & Noble to look at books we actually wanted to read (i.e. nothing published by BarBri) I ended up leaving with Rick Steves' France after a bit of insistence that I needed a comprehensive book on France for next year. I refrained from buying anything more because my grandmother has promised me a stack of books awaiting me in Seattle and I'm also trying to downsize my life right now, not buy more heavy stuff to haul around the world with me.

Tonight I fly to Seattle via Salt Lake City. I know what you're thinking, "But Emily, why on Earth would a person in Anchorage need to fly all the way to Utah to eventually wind up in Seattle?"

Well my friends, Delta Airlines is managed by imbeciles. In fact, the only Delta flight that leaves Anchorage daily leaves at 1am. The whole thing escapes reason...

Anyway, tonight I'm heading down south. I'll land in Seattle at 9:30am tomorrow morning. I have not started packing or doing much other than reading my new book (yay!), so I should probably get on that pretty soon. I keep forgetting how much trouble I had fitting all my crap into my two bags and keeping the weight under 50 lbs.

It is at this point that I would like to apologize for the general lack of photographs on this summer's posts. I literally only left the house to attend class and take the one little excursion to the valley. Rest assured I will have more fun in my life very soon that I will document in Seattle, my visit to the east coast, and certainly in Europe.

Well, I have no finished my leftover pizza from Moose's Tooth and must now start thinking about packing up and heading out. Next stop, favorite major city in America!

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