Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Here's Johnny!

I am so totally excited about this weekend. I don't care about Halloween at all except for when it leads to other cool stuff happening. Perfect example: this Friday and Saturday a local independent movie theater/brewpub/pizza joint is showing The Shining in its dinner theater! Tickets are massively cheap, so Leigh and I reserved a booth for 2 people. Of course we've both seen the Shining about 22 times each, but Leigh has never seen the theater version. I saw it once before at a midnight showing of the film in Roanoke on Halloween night. It was so fun, so scary, and totally worth sitting wedged between two strangers because the place was so packed that my friends and I couldn't find seats together. At least we weren't standing in the back like about 30 late-comers had to!

We're also hoping to [finally] make our way to Seward this weekend. I've heard it's super fun and it would be great to get out of Anchorage for a day.

In other, sadder, news: my bike is broken! The front brakes aren't doing their job anymore and the thing needs a tune-up. I was quoted $75+ for a tune-up, but that's about what I paid for the thing so I'm reluctant to go through with it. My other option is to buy a new bike for about $300. Both options stink, to be honest. I really want a new bike but am willing to wait until after Christmas when prices might be lower. For now I just want a safe bike to ride to work every day. I drove to work today and I already feel out of shape and lazy!


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