Friday, September 21, 2012

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Holy crap, it has been raining a lot lately! We came home from Vegas to some rainy icky weather, then it was off and on for a few days. But the past week or so every day has been nonstop rain. I don't mean drizzles, though we get plenty of that, but actual stormy type rain. There's even emergency flooding in Seward, AK and standing water in the streets of Anchorage.

This crappy weather is hardly inspiring me to get out much, so I've barely spoken to anyone except for Leigh since my last week of work. Most days I complete one or two house projects, cook dinner, tidy up the kitchen, and stay in my sweatpants all day. For example, one day I refinished furniture for the baby's room and did some decorating. Today I did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, walked the dog, went to the gym, and made homemade pita bread for the first time (it turned out AMAZING, by the way).

I've also gone to the gym pretty regularly too, sometimes just taking a class and sometimes jogging on the treadmill (by "jogging" I mean walking briskly with short running interludes). I should really be doing this every day, if for no other reasons than 1) I'm obviously really out of shape if I can't "jog" in the literal sense and 2) if I don't get out more I'm going to lose all my social skills, thus prolonging my unemployment.

Speaking of employment, I've applied for at least one job pretty much every day since my clerkship ended. Most of these are federal government jobs simply because there are more federal jobs than Alaska jobs. At any rate, I figure the more I put myself out there the more likely it is I'll get interviews and someone is bound to hire me eventually. On top of that, the irons I have in the fire from the past two years' of networking haven't completely cooled yet. Until then I'll believe it's possible I could be working within the next month or so. If none of those pan out it might be a bit longer. Not only does the latter thought bring up some financial anxiety, but I'm already worried about how long my sanity will hold out without regularly tackling difficult legal questions and generally being around other people.... 

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