Friday, August 6, 2010

So many tasks, so little time

So Portland was a huge success. I bought plenty of work clothes to get me through the first several months of my clerkship and Leigh stocked up on biz-casual stuff for whatever job she winds up finding. Plus we found some awesome gear at REI including a tent tall enough for Leigh to stand up straight in that is shaped like a hobbit home and great sleeping pads. Now we're all set to start our new jobs and tent camp our way to Anchorage rather than paying $150/night for motels along the way. At the end of the day we saved well over $100 by not paying sales taxes which covered the cost of our gas to drive to Portland and most of our hotel where we stayed (which had a jacuzzi tub in the room, a much-needed splurge after weeks of laborious work!).

Now we're back in Seattle and prepping for the last few weeks of work and our big drive up to Anchorage. We need to find an apartment and I think we're pretty close to securing one. Now we just have to apply and pay a deposit, no big deal as long as the application is approved (for some reason this always makes me nervous!). But we also have to go through all of our stuff [AGAIN!] and choose what to ship and what to pack in the car. In the meantime we also still have some things we really want to do before leaving and there's just never enough time in a week!

So on Monday we're hoping to go camping with our new gear as a test run and either see the Olympia, WA area or the Wenatchee National Forest in eastern Washington. Both are gorgeous areas with lots of stuff to do, so it just depends on which camping areas look like the most fun.

Anyway, we only have about another 2 1/2 weeks here before starting yet another adventure! Eek!

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