Monday, August 9, 2010

Time v. Money

Leigh and I have been going back and forth about whether to take a few days off before we head North. For a few days we were thinking it best to just trudge through, earn as much money as possible and sleep when we're dead. This was based on the assumption that we would have normal work weeks until the end of August. "Normal" meaning 40-50 hours with a day or two off to get the house cleaned and errands run.

Turns out this week we're driving roundtrip to the farm twice, plus working markets 4 days per week! That's a lot of driving, lifting, early mornings, being dirty and tired. So now we're back to thinking we'll take off a few days next week, if for no other reason than to get our stuff packed so we can get on the road in time. To quote Leigh, "I don't know if I can drive 8 hours per day, twice per week and then pull 12 hour days the rest of the week and THEN drive all the way to Alaska!"

She has a point. So even though giving up our time means earning more money, sometimes you have to put the money aside and take a small loss to gain some time. I suspect that towards the end of August our free time to take care of our personal needs like packing for the drive North will seem as valuable as earning money from working extra hours.

So that's about where we are right now- trying to find a balance between building our savings and maintaining our sanity. We're applying for an apartment in Anchorage today and *fingers crossed* will have that lined up by the end of the week!

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