Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Moving Day

Last Thursday was our closing day on the house (!!!). After two months of anticipation and stress, we were literally biting our nails all of last week waiting for Thursday. Not only were we very excited to get our keys and such, but also because nobody had bothered to calculate our actual down payment until Wednesday afternoon. After MUCH back and forth about it, calculating numbers as much as $1,200 in any given direction, we were finally given an amount MUCH MUCH higher than mentioned ever before. It turns out that the geniuses at the mortgage company made the loan for an amoutn $2,000 less than needed because they failed to calculate our earnest money properly.

The end result was choosing between our $2,000 earnest money or insisting that the mortgage company go back and fix things, which would delay closing by as much as 3 weeks or so. We decided to take the path of least resistance and just pay a larger down payment. Instead of the minimum 3.5% for FHA loans, we ended up paying more like 4.46% down. The $2,000 difference is tough for us right now because we're between paychecks and had hoped to have a cushion, but ultimately we are just happy to be in the house.

That night I decided to take a personal day on Friday to finish packing the apartment and oversee the movers. This was the best decision I could have made! My stress levels reduced significantly by being able to spend the morning getting organized, loading up the car and keeping an eye on the pets. The movers were amazing and had our place cleared out in under and hour. All of our boxes and furniture were piled up in the new house within 2 hours of the guys starting at the apartment! Needless to say, they got a nice tip for being so mindful of my time and money.

The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning the old apartment for our subletter and making the new place functional for the coming work week. We also made a run to Lowes to buy some paint and basic items. So far we've mostly set up the kitchen and arranged the furniture, put the bed together and set up the dressers. The bathroom is functional but we're not completely moved in yet. I've been really focused on priming and painting the spare bedroom so we can arrange the furniture and start enjoying that room. By this evening it will be painted a calm yellow color called "Beeswax." We also really need to focus on getting boxes unpacked and our clothing arranged so it's easier to get dressed in the morning. At this point it will likely be a few months before things are exactly as we want them, but that's OK. Setting up our first house is so much more fun than moving into apartments!

On the health front, things are looking good. I've been vigilant about eating foods that I can metabolize properly and avoiding foods that will cause my triglycerides and cholesterol to spike. In the meantime I've lost a total of 8 pounds since my last doctor's appointment! I need to lose quite a bit more, but this is a good steady pace of weight loss so far. I will need to go into the lab this week or next to have some bloodwork done and see how my medications are working. Fingers crossed!

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