Friday, July 29, 2011

Seasons Change

We're in the heart of summer right now, but everything is changing around me so I feel kind of like a kid about to start a new school year.

We're about 80% settled into the new house, and everyday it seems like we need to buy or do something new. This weekend we need to get a lawn mower, some gardening odds and ends, and I want to buy some more paint so we can finish decorating and hanging pictures. The whole family (kitty and puppy included) are loving the new house. It's exactly what we needed. Enough space without being too much upkeep, outdoor space for the furry children, close to work and businesses we frequest, and on a quiet street. I've even discovered two little shortcut paths from the cul de sacs onto the main road into the neighborhood. Makes dog walks and bike rides a little more direct.

Speaking of bike rides, I rode my bike to work this morning for the first time. I made the fatal error of trusting Google Maps and not questioning the seemingly insane route it chose for me. My penalty was riding my bike through thick woods on a single tire track filled with tree roots and often severed by "No Trespassing" signs and homemade fences. I was just waiting for a bear to jump out and grab me or a homeless person or an angry property owner with a shotgun to jump out at me. OK, so it's not exactly wilderness or the Mat-Su valley, but it's close enough to make me feel uneasy. I was not pleased and was certain I was lost. Luckily, after some gathering of courage, I pushed forward and wound up on the Coastal Trail near work. Yes, it was a "shortcut" but you know what they say about shortcuts.... Anyway, I took a second look at the map and found there's a non-bikepath residential road that nearly parallels the insane path I took this morning. Same mileage, etc, but less scary. Then I could always go the long way that I'm very familiar with. I guess that's what I get for being adventurous in the morning before work!

Speaking of work, my co-clerk finished up her time here yesterday. Now it's just me until the new clerk starts but I have no clue when that is. I thought it was today (?) but apparrently not. Maybe Monday? Anyway, I'll train him and then my own replacement before moving to the Superior Court on September 1. I'm feeling very ready to move forward to new tasks and a new routine. By this time next year I can imagine I'll be chomping at the bit to start a permanent position, I just wonder what that'll be....

After a health scare and a trip to the ER last Saturday, Leigh is feeling pretty good. She was getting dehydrated so we took her in for fluids and some quick meds. She'll go in for some tests on Monday morning. Hopefully this will lead to answers and some long term care for her, which will be both a huge relief health-wise and money-wise.

For my own health, I've been eating very well and watching the numbers go down on the scale. So far I've lost 10 pounds since my initial visit with my endocronologist. This past Monday morning I went in for a second round of blood tests to see how my meds are working out. I really hope my triglycerides are significantly lower so I can stay on these meds. They're fairly affordable with my insurance and easy to take everyday. Next I'm really hoping to find a good cholesterol/insulin resistance medication to take care of those problems and help me achieve more weight loss. My current plan is to lose as much weight as I can through dieting alone, then integrate some weight training to build muscle. This seems to be the most effective way to see significant changes without plateauing or getting frustrated. Plus I can keep an eye on my body fat percentages and overall weight easier if I'm not packing on heavy muscle at the same time.

The only other news is that we've allowed Cannelle Puppy to drop out of puppy school. The class was just too big for her to get a lot of attention and we felt we've learned enough about how to teach her things to work with her at home. It seems silly, but we're more likely to work with her at home 10 mins per day than to make an hour long class after a long week of work and errands. Oh well, c'est la vie. She's a great puppy and a smarty pants, we just need to stay on her and she'll turn out just fine.

Well, that's the news this week. I should get started on the file sitting on my desk....

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