Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been a while.

Since my one certain reader (Leigh) recently pointed out that I haven't posted in a while, I thought I'd do an update:

House buying operations are in full swing again. We had a little hiccup last week when our less than genius mortgage processor started asking my relatives for some rather sensitive information. This didn't go over well with my libertarian, advanced in years relatives. So I fired him and asked for his supervisor to handle things from now on. I believe he is still technically processing the loan, but I don't have to communicate with him anymore, so I'm pretty satisfied with that outcome. Now we're just two pieces of paper away from approval and only 2 weeks away from closing. SO FREAKING EXCITING!!!

Leigh has been feeling much better lately. She has also started seeing a doctor for long-term care, which is a minor miracle if you know her like I do. In addition, she's getting hooked on chiropractic adjustments thanks to a Groupon we both bought last week. I had my first adjustment last night and was pretty pleased with the dramatic crunching noise my neck made. I'm hoping after a short series my daily headaches will ease up and I'll have less lower back and shoulder stiffness. Luckily we are both insured this year (I'm better insured than I'd like to be, thanks to my being over-zealous during open enrollment at work. Oh well) so we might as well get as much care as we can, right?

Speaking of medical issues, I've started seeing an endocrinologist and have some results. As of yesterday my fasting lab results (without the influence of omega-3 supplements or a multivitamin) show that my triglycerides are around 1920 (500 is considered extremely high, so mine is considered "sludge blood") and my cholesterol is 486 (it should be under 200). This is very bad news, especially considering the lack of hamburgers and canned cheese in my diet. First order of business is to get me on pharmaceutical grade omega-3 supplements. Hopefully that will get my triglycerides down from the "sludge blood" range and closer to the "extreme" range. Second order of business is dietary changes: lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, minimal sugars, processed foods, or meat (at least for now). The goal is to get my numbers down, then see what I can have from time to time for quality of life. Third order of business will be the addition of other drug therapies to further reduce my cholesterol and increase my insulin sensitivity, but the doctor wants to see how one medication affects my numbers first. That seems reasonable. If these drugs don't do the trick I might ask to be put on the water pill as well to help me lose a few extra pounds (which can help your bloodwork look better) in addition to traditional weightloss methods.

The kitty and puppy are doing really well. Cannelle is up to 27 pounds now and is turning into a really beautiful doggy. She is loving and playful and enjoys puppy playdates with her canine friends. Juneau is getting used to Cannelle slowly but surely. When we move into the house I think both furry children will be happier in general.

That's about it for now. I will try to write about more interesting things, but it's just been so crazy lately that it's all I can do to get through my day with some measure of success.

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