Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life with Cannelle, Juneau, Leigh, and the new house

A lot has been happening the past few weeks. Leigh and I returned home from our sudden and sad trip to the East Coast, floundered a bit while settling back into life and are now starting to make sense. When we first got home from the East Coast Leigh became very ill and took a few days off from work. Honestly, the timing was pretty OK because she needed the days off anyway to have some alone time and process what had just happened. I've been a little out of sorts myself, mostly just due to traveling and being uncertain about some things at work. On top of all of that I've been dealing with the house purchase almost by myself, not because Leigh doesn't want to help but because I've been the point person on this and then had to keep things going while Leigh attended to her family.

In short, it's been a long couple of weeks.

Then I adopted a puppy. Probably not the best timing, but you can't plan for these things unless you want to buy a bred dog, which I'm totally against doing for my own family. I've always adopted pets and have typically had very good experiences. Aside from one or two, all of my pets have been well-behaved and loyal. Those who weren't found themselves living at my dad's house where they have lots of space to be their anti-social selves without destroying my apartment. Anyway, Cannelle is a doll so far. She's smart and well-behaved, save for a few puppy moments. I'm eager to get her into obedience classes so I don't do accidentlaly reinforce bad behavoirs while she's still really young, but I think she should get her next round of shots first.

Juneau Cat has been a real champ about this. At first she was pretty upset and found hiding places to get some personal space. It's only been 3 days and already she's learning to share living space with the puppy, puffing up and hissing when Cannelle gets too close. There haven't been any chases, fights or vindictive bathroom "accidents" yet though, which I find nothing short of amazing. Dividing the apartment into "Cat" and "Puppy" areas for 2 days seems to have done the trick. Now we have Cannelle in a sectioned off "puppy safe area" during the day so that Juneau can roam free and Cannelle can play and have access to her bed, food, and puppy pads.

The house purchasing process is nearly complete! As of this morning we only need to provide one more document before we can officially schedule the closing! This is so exciting! We are ready to move now (but we're not packed), but it'll be about 30 days before we can actually get out of apartment. Good things come to those who wait, right?

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