Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Off Again

Ah, a day off. So nice. Fridays are a real blessing with this job because Wednesdays are long days, Thursdays are shorter but require more physical labor and Saturday and Sunday are really tiring (8-10 hours each with early mornings). This week was kind of tough. The markets were slow and I didn't make much money at any of them, meaning I didn't sell much. My hourly rate is the same always, but I hate not selling a lot because I feel bad for my grandparents. Plus I know that a few days later I'll have the joy of sorting through rotting fruit in the cold room that didn't sell in time.

I also got yelled at a few times by unappreciative shoppers and some people have been complaining about the produce because they fail to understand that market shopping is different from grocery store shopping. People sometimes think I'm there to serve their every whim and fail to realize how rare and difficult it is for family organic farms and selling at local markets. Then the little voice in my head reminds me that I'm a lawyer and twice as educated as most of the people I'm serving, which just infuriates me more. As a general rule I like to think everyone is equal and should be treated with respect, but when others fail to respect me at least a little bit and treat me like a servant I tend to get up on my high horse and it just makes me more angry than I was before.

Anyway, Fridays are much needed and highly appreciated. I really have no plans for today except to run a few quick errands and use the free WiFi at Seattle's Best Coffee on 4th Ave (with purchase of a coffee, of course, 'cause I'm classy like that).

This whole not having internet at home thing is growing on me. I get to check my email and do other internety things about twice per week, so I'm starting to appreciate it a little more. I also spend less time thinking "I'm bored, I'll check my email for the 4,000th time today." I really don't get that much email to validate checking it so often, but having internet so sparingly does make it a little more difficult to take care of business. For example, my email account isn't working for some reason (I can't log in) and even after the Hollins IT gurus took a stab at it I still can't log in. Hopefully they'll get that under control soon so I can check the only email account where I still get personal messages from friends.

So far today I've just hung out at SBC and watched True Blood from last week (which streamed MUCH better here than at that library), but I anticipate finding something fun to do this afternoon. Most likely I will buy some See's Candy and get some lunch and maybe do a little window shopping. I might also take a bus to the U District to revisit my old stomping grounds. I've been to the U District once since coming to Seattle but I was working and didn't leave the vicinity of the farmer's market.

My grandpa Jim and his wife Chris came to visit me from Spokane on Monday and Tuesday. I hadn't seen my grandfather in over 3 years and hadn't seen Chris in at least 5 years. We spent a lot of time catching up, ate really good food, and explored West Seattle and Ballard a little bit. They also took me to get a haircut, which I REALLY needed. It looks great, by the way. A slightly different style than I had before but I think I like this one a little better. It's still a faux-hawk type cut but a bit softer and easier to style without looking too much like a punk (I always felt like a poser with my hair up in the middle because I'm such a dork and not a punk at all).

I have about 10 days left in Seattle before flying to DC. I have so much to do! Aside from working, I still need to fill out my forms for my visa and continue brushing up on my French, which I have done minimally to this point. I also need to rehome a lot of my clothes and books so I don't have to check so much luggage or at least make it a bit lighter.

Well, I think I've loitered here long enough and should start enjoying my day in the big city. First stop is some lunch, then who knows? I'm going to steer clear of Pike Place though, I've had enough of that place until Sunday.

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