Friday, August 14, 2009

A Very Seattle Day

After my blog yesterday I found myself at the slowest farmer's market day yet. Most people stayed home because our beautiful sunny morning turned into a cold and rainy afternoon. The people who did come out were less than desirable, including an odd man who insisted on eating his powdered sugar pastry while leaning over our boxes of peaches on display. I had the pleasure of dusting off all surfaces of our display tables after he left- oh joy! The day picked up though, because it seems that farmer's markets transform into swap meets when the rain drives customers back into their homes. By the end of the day I had swapped my way into a hot veggie quesadilla, a tray of blueberries, a loaf of homemade bread and a mini blueberry pie. This, in addition to the stuff I have at home from less glutinous swapping days has me well set for fresh, organic food for the next several days!

Today I had my first real day off in Seattle, though I did work a little bit at home this morning and I will probably have to work a little bit this evening too... but it is still a day off because I got most of the day to play in the city.

Anyway, after doing some lifting and storing of fruit this morning I got a ride downtown with Marc, my grandpa's main man for market sales. He took me to Alki to see the beach across from the famous Seattle Skyline, which was gorgeous! There was a clear view of downtown, a beach, boardwalk, fun restaurants and cute houses. I'm so happy we took that detour. After fighting traffic for a bit Marc dropped me off in front of the Central Library, a favorite place of mine. After running to the bank I found a little teriyaki place in the basement of an espresso shop where I got a yummy chicken lunch. I then high-tailed it to See's Candy to spoil myself with $2.15 worth of yummy chocolate (which translates to about 4 pieces and a free piece to sample, not bad, eh?). After a bit of window shopping at Anthropologie (which I'm having trouble resisting in spite of my better angels), I made my way back to the library stopping at Seattle's best for some coffee to accompany my See's Candy.

Next on my itinerary is the library itself where I will make full use of the free WiFi to catch up on episodes of True Blood (I don't have internet at the house) and check emails and websites to my heart's desire. I need to be back in West Seattle by about 6:30 to unload this week's supply of apricots and peaches, but after a day like today I really don't mind. Tomorrow and Sunday will be tough, as they always are. My weekend days start early and end late, especially if I'm working Pike Place Market on Sunday, but that's OK because it's fair pay and you can't beat Seattle farmer's markets for people watching entertainment.

Now that I'm about halfway through my Seattle time this summer I can safely say that this has been a wonderful experience. I've really enjoyed my work and my play time. I'm feeling revivdd after my bar exam marathon and am now able to look forward to the next year of my life in a real way. As a side product, my love for this city has been completely renewed. Perhaps Leigh and I will find ourselves here full time after a spell in Alaska or at the very least coming down for frequent business or pleasure trips. The bottom line is that I seem to have been built for the Pacific Northwest.

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