Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Day Teaching and Italy Tomorrow

Today I taught 3 classes at the CIV and it went pretty well for my first day and almost no preparation. My first class was a prepa class, otherwise described as very motivated students who have just finished lycee and are looking to go on to top professional training after prepa (engineering, chemistry, etc). The class took some time to warm up to me, but eventually a few of the young men had some great questions and asked to discuss some really complicated topics further. My only complaint was that the girls did not seem interested in practicing their English, which will certainly be a problem for them later on in life if they hope to work beyond a small provincial role in their fields. I think I will do a bit of research for next time I have that group to discuss some cultural issues and the US stock exchange (by request, of course!).

My second class were 2e (pronounced "sek-uundz"), or 14 year olds. I had 11 of them to myself for an hour and they gave short presentations describing famous people. They were enthusiastic and dutifully did their work. A few had attitudes and did not listen when I quieted them down so I had to be mean and separate a few in the room or point them out individually. Oh well, I hope they don't hate me but will learn to listen respectfully when their peers speak.

My final class was more of a tutoring session with two voluntary students. One had traveled the US quite a bit and knew enough English to have a simple conversation but the other was either refusing to participate or was far too shy to try to speak. This was frustrating. I think from now on I will bring an article for them to read and then discuss. Maybe having printed words in front of them will be a security blanket and entice them to speak more.

Tonight I attended a small dinner party near the CIV campus at the home of one of the professors I assist. My Canadian counterpart at the CIV and I were both invited, as per the French professor and her Canadian husband's tradition for the English assistants. We were fed a full fledged, home cooked European dinner and it was lovely. Tonight was my first night of not eating either pasta or a sandwich in over a week! By the time we had our tea and apple cake I felt completely spoiled and overwhelmed by the openness and kindness I had experienced this evening.

I have reserved Leigh's and my overnight train itinerary from Ventimiglia to Naples with couchettes. Now I just have to go to Ventimiglia tomorrow to pay for the tickets and pick them up! It seems ridiculous because it IS ridiculous. In short, the website for the Italian railway cannot process US or UK credit cards about 98% of the time. I don't know why and am quite amazed, but the only way around this would be to spend most of my euros in cash on the tickets (which still might not work) or to take the one and a half hour train ride tomorrow and speak with someone at the ticket counter and get the real scoop. I have managed to convince my Canadian counterpart to come with me so we can make a trip of it. Apparently there are Roman ruins in Ventimiglia and some Midivil castle structures as well as a cro-magnum era remains. We shall see.

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