Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quick trip to Italy

As posted yesterday, I made a quick trip to Ventimiglia, Italy today for my day off. It was a long day and I successfully got my train tickets for my big trip later this month, so that's a good thing. Sam and I had hoped to see some Roman ruins and other sights, but there was a train strike today so we got to Ventimiglia kind of late in the day and basically had 2 hours to wander around, eat dinner and a gelato, snap a few photos and get right back on the train. I felt terrible that Sam spent her day off running around with me and we missed most of the sights we had hoped to see, but she promised she had a good time and that it was better than staying home and reading all day.

I plan to write a whole bit about the trip, complete with photos, on my website.

Now I'm back in Antibes and pretty much exhausted even though it's only 8:30pm. Tomorrow I have a long morning class, then a 4 hour break, then two evening classes. Starting next week I will be helping Sam and one of our professors put on a play with a younger group. I'm so excited to help because it's based on a great story and the kids are so enthusiastic. I am hoping that positive experience will balance out my other luke warm classes.

Leigh lands in Nice in 8 days!!! I'm so excited to see her and start our European adventure together. We have so many plans of things to do and see. I hope we can afford it all and do not grow weary of living so frugally for a few months. Our first major stop, of course, is a tour through western Italy. At Christmas we plan to visit the Netherlands, Belgium and Paris and maybe even attend a Taize worship in Taize (near Tours). We are also planning to take many day trips to see as much of southern France as possible on our budget. That's a lot of travel and a lot of experience.... here goes nothin'!

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