Friday, March 5, 2010

le weekend

It's Friiiiidddaaaaayyy! Today most of my lessons were cancelled to I went to Biot with my Canadian Counterpart to buy some blown glass for friends and family. 125 euros later I had a few gifts taken care of and had purchased a few things Leigh and I had been contemplating since our first visit to Biot a few months ago.

Around 16:30 I had made my way to the lycee to teach my one and only lesson of the day, which was both easy and interesting complete with a very polite protest by one of my female students. She basically said that she did not think the lesson their prof had assigned them was appropriate for school. The lesson was about pocket money/allowance and kids' spending habits. It tends to be personal in nature, so I had to agree with my student that the lesson was not as useful as it was embarrassing for the students so we digressed and chatted in English for the remainder of the lesson. I must say that, due to the students' deferential demeanor while expressing her opinion, I was very pleased with her little rant. She remained calm and polite but still got her point across. She was even willing to continue the lesson when I offered to change topics, but I made the executive decision to have a more enjoyable experience rather than forcing the students to continue on a useless lesson.

This is pretty much my last weekend of peace and quiet until I go home to America. Crazy, eh? Originally I had no plans at all, then next thing I know I have a little something going on each day. I think it's best when it happens like that so it's spontaneous and fun without being too overwhelming. Tomorrow, Saturday, I will spend some time outside if it is as sunny as promised by the forecast and then in the evening I will attend a play (in French) in Nice with my Canadian Counterpart. On Sunday I have church in the morning and then perhaps will go to the Picasso Museum (if the weather is decent). Monday I should probably run errands, but I have "Monaco" written in my planner because I failed to go last Monday (lame!).

Leigh's and my friend Damian flies into Nice this Wednesday afternoon! His flight lands in Nice just after I finish tutoring a few bus stops away, so it's perfect timing. I am sure he will be exhausted, but of course I have lots of plans during his week in southern France including beaches, museums, and the like. Plus next weekend we will venture to Arles, Marseille, and Avignon. It's a lot of time on the train but there is a lot to see and do in that part of Provence, so I think it will be a nice way for Damian to see a bit of the region. The next weekend I run off to Paris, the week after that I will host Jescy for about 10 days, likely including a side-trip to Cinque Terre, and then I'm moving out of my apartment and running off on a very long, complicated holiday.

*PHEW* I can't believe I'm doing this, but as I always say- I wouldn't have it any other way : )

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