Thursday, January 29, 2009

Post Graduation Update

I received an email from the BarBri Alaska folks earlier this week that my class starts May 26. This is the best possible news, aside from the class starting June 1. I will get to walk in graduation and I'll be left enough time to fly to Anchorage and even sleep off the jetlag before starting the class. 

Looks like I'll be in Anchorage at least from May 25 till roughly July 4, then the exam itself is the last weekend in July (28-30). Not sure at this point if I'm going to sit for the exam in Anchorage or Juneau. If my housing situation in Anchorage is affordable and comfortable I'll likely take the exam there because Anchorage examinees may use computers for the essay portion. However, if money becomes an issue (which it normally is) or my personal comfort in my living situation (which is currently TBD), then I may find myself staying with friends in Juneau to take the exam there. At this point it's a toss up between what is the best plan of action considering the magnitude of the test's importance and the high levels of stress I will most assuredly be under at that time. 

In more immediate news, I fly to NYC on Saturday morning. I'm shipping two large packages UPS and checking at least one large suitcase for clothing. This evening I decided that UPS is awesome. A call center rep patiently stayed on the phone with me for 15 minutes answering my questions and explaining the pricing to me. In the end I'm going to ship a massive box full of household stuff and my futon frame for $60. The boxes will arrive when I have requested and the UPS guy is even coming to Leigh's apartment to pick it up so I don't have to drag my stuff down to my car and to the UPS store. Now I just have to hope that I can fit all of my clothing and linens into one or two large suitcases so I don't have to check too many bags on the flight. In all I think it was a good idea to fly because, even though shipping and checking items will be costly, I get the convenience of a 45 minute flight instead of an 8 hour drive, no tolls to pay, and I don't have to have a nervous breakdown trying to drive into Manhattan. 

Tonight and tomorrow I'm just finishing up my packing and spending a lot of quality time with Juneau (the cat). Leigh is going to accompany me to NYC and stay a few nights while I get settled, so we've planned some fun stuff for the weekend. On Tuesday I have to take a standardized test for the federal government for a possible fellowship. This would normally stress me out but I've seen some example questions and I'm just not concerned anymore. I also heard another student who took the exam two weeks ago say one of the questions was "which of the following words is misspelled?" This isn't exactly the LSAT....

Well, I'm headed out for drinks with a law school friend. Next post will likely be from Spanish Harlem. Wish me luck!

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