Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Feeling Blue... or White?

Today we got our first big snow in Anchorage. I woke up to 4-6 inches of fluffy white snow. Feeling brave, I decided to bike to work anyway using my all season bike tires. All season my ass! Of course I only made it out of the parking lot before realizing there was no way in Hell I could bike 7 miles in fluffy white, unplowed snow and still get to work on time and in one piece. Defeated, I went back up to the apartment, showered, dressed, and drove Leigh and myself to our respective offices.

I officially need studded tires, which run about $45 per tire. I have $90 that I could spend on this, but my bike is worth exactly $80. Is it logical to spend $90 upgrading an $80 bicycle? No, it isn't. What makes more sense is to buy a new bicycle for $200 or $300 then invest in some winter tires for a worthy set of wheels. However, I do NOT have anywhere near $400 to spend on a bicycle + accessories. So I'm left with a dilema- what to do?

I love riding my bike to work. I get such a sense of accomplishment! Plus, starting last week, I was really starting to see the physical benefits too. Last week I started biking straight up this ridiculously steep hill right before I get to my office. I couldnt' do that a month ago! Plus my clothes were fitting better and I felt amazing. It was looking very possible that I could reach my goal weight by next spring. Then last week my bike needed repairs, so I didn't ride all week, and yesterday I rode home from work after getting my bike back and was pretty winded when I got home. Not a good sign. This morning I feel really fat and sluggish and I hate my body, even though my clothes still fit, etc. It's all psychological at this point (and a little bit physical) but soon my fears will become reality if I don't do something.

For the past few days I've heard good talk about the athletic facilities at the Capt. Cook Hotel across from my office in the courthouse. The membership rate is reduced for court employees, members get use of a locker, gym clothes, towels, shampoo, etc plus unlimited spinning, yoga, pilates, etc classes, parking in the garage (I dont' need it because my garage is across the street) and $20 per month toward food at the hotel coffee shop and restaurants. Sounds great! It's $80 per month, which isn't bad at all, but it's another expense I have to calculate in. It's a better investment than trying to turn my "throw away" bicycle into a winter riding machine and I'll get the use of a proper locker room and showers, etc. Another benefit is that I can get tons of excercise all winter without subjecting my body to freezing temperatures and possible bicycle accidents. So I get to avoid a series of ear infections, certain bronchitis, likely laryngitis and possible broken bones and sprains (I've been slipping on ice a lot this past week!).

Leigh is really cool about this. She says I never spend money on myself and that I should do this so I can feel better. Not getting any excerise has been making me feel pretty depressed. Coupled with gray weather, this does not bode well for the long winter! Anyway, it looks like I'm not going to be a biker for a few months. Sad, but at least I have another option.

In other news, yesterday Leigh momentarily lost her mind and got a second job. She doesn't need this other job and it only pays $8.50 per hour, but she really wants it. From now on she will continue to work 8am to 5pm as a temp at a local non-profit and starting November 15 she will work from 6pm to 12am as a warehouse employee for UPS. She said she is bored with her job and doesn't get enough exercise, so she wants a job that is more fun and will make her physically tired at the end of the day. This is all well and good, but when will she sleep?! Anyway, I'm glad she got a job she wants and is excited about it, but I worry she won't get enough sleep or down time to herself. We will pretty much only see each other while commuting (because we only have one car) and on weekends. It will be a big change for us, but hopefully a good one.

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