Monday, November 1, 2010

Sluggish Monday

This weekend was so much fun, but this morning I feel awful!

Friday night was Date Night in the Maass-Farmer household. We went to see The Shining at midnight at the Bear Tooth Grill Pub & Theater. So much fun! Anyway, we were exhausted when we got home at 1:30 and passed out. I slept until probably 10am the next morning (Saturday) and then took an afternoon nap later that day. Feeling amazingly well-rested, I tackled the rest of my weekend complete with errands, cleaning, etc. It was great. My bathroom is now spotless and sterilized. I'm so proud of myself!

Then yesterday I started baking and pretty much didn't stop until late last night. I baked healthy pumpkin cookies, semi-healthy pumpkin cranberry scones, and unhealthy rocky mountain chip oatmeal cookies complete with a LOT of sugar. I then proceeded to eat four of said sugary cookies at 21:00 last night. Around 22:30 I decided it was time for bed, but then the sugar kicked in causing me to lay awake for a very long time. What sleep I did get was fitful and I think I even had some weird dreams.

Needless to say, I was not happy about getting up this morning! Leigh also did a few little things to set me off, which led to a fight, which led to me being even grumpier. Tough morning. I have tried to cure my sleepiness with coffee to little end. Now I can just hope to get some work done today so it's not a total loss!

The one good thing about today is that my Lola is fixed! Another clerk working at the courthouse must be an angel from Heaven because she offered up her husband's professional bike fixing skills to help me with my dilemma. He fixed it over the weekend and now I'm back to riding as of this afternoon! The best part is that, rather than charge me the exact value of my bike to fix it, he is happy to work in exchange for some high quality beer. Sounds like a fair trade to me!

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