Saturday, October 16, 2010

Late Bloomer

I think I have an ear infection. Boo! It really, really hurts! From what I can tell, since I started showering at work, there has been a little bit of water in my ears for the past few days. Thinking nothing of it, I continued to ride my bicycle all over Anchorage is rather low temperatures and I've been listening to music via earbuds at work a lot lately. The end result is a very sore ear and an inflamed lymph node in my neck. Ouch!

Funny, because I have no recollection of getting ear infections as a child. This might even be my first one ever. So I guess you could say that, medically, I'm a late bloomer. This isn't too surprising since I didn't lose my first baby tooth until I was about 9 years old!

In other "late bloomer" news: I've always said that jealousy is a useless emotion. It's not one that I'm very familiar with. Then today Leigh and I went to Borders to look around and get out of the house a little bit. I left her alone for maybe 10 minutes and next thing I know a really cute "Borders Book Seller" (that's what her name tag said) was flirting with her, pretty shamelessly. This has happened in the past (with Target check out girls, baristas, etc) and it's always when we part ways in a store for a few minutes and then I come back to our designated meeting place.

Now, I know I have nothing to worry about, but the green-eyed monster reared its ugly head anyway. I couldn't help but feel jealous and asked Leigh about it about 12 different times on the way home. She found the whole thing to be flattering and my reaction to be extremely amusing... I'm glad someone enjoyed the situation.

*sigh* Such is life. I guess I should just be glad to be married to someone so cute that sales girls across the country can't help but act like idiots around her.

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