Monday, March 2, 2009

Temping, Ukrainian and Snow

Classes were cancelled today due to snow. 

Let me clarify- we got about 6 inches of snow in NYC last night and it got crazy cold very suddenly. After the streets were shoveled and plowed there was some slushy iciness on the sidewalks, but it was still perfectly possible to get out and run errands. 

Considering that nobody in my class drives to school anymore, it was kinda silly to cancel classes. However, our class schedule is linked with that of SUNY Stonybrook where our courses are housed, so we close when they close. The moral of the story is that downstaters are whimps when it comes to snow. They should have to deal with a Buffalo winter. Nothing short of city-wide power outages and death by hypothermia or carbon dioxide poisoning keeps us from classes and work.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything... I took advantage of my stolen day. I slept late, did some research on my taxes (which are proving difficult to e-file because I don't have a record of my 2007 AGI), made a hair appointment for Wednesday afternoon and then headed out for my 2pm appointment at a temp agency. 

This is one serious temp agency. I had a full on interview and about 3 hours of computer testing. I don't think I did too well on the computer testing because I started getting frustrated and tired. You're not supposed to do them all in one sitting but I just couldn't justify taking another afternoon this week to come back and finish them later. I'm sure I did better than a lot of people do because my typing skills are great and my skills with Microsoft Office are at least average, but it still bothers me that I wasn't closer to perfect. Oh well, hopefully I'll get at least a few temp positions out of this and make a little money.

After my testing I was really hungry, so I went to the East Village for some Eastern European cuisine. Initially I wanted to go to a place called Little Poland that is known for cheap perogies, but I didn't see a Visa sticker on their door and couldn't find an ATM that wouldn't charge me a $3 transaction fee. So instead I went a few doors down for Ukrainian food. It was fine food (roast chicken, potatoes, and steamed veggies) but nothing to write home about. They did serve a really yummy semi-sweet bread I'd never had before, so that was probably the highlight of the meal. I doubt I'll seek out Eastern European food again unless I have a strong craving for perogies and cabbage.

Back to classes tomorrow. My class received a discouraging email from a professor that we're a bunch of slackers and need to step it up. I guess I should try to get a notable amount of work done in the next two days so I can enjoy my vacation guilt-free.

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