Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bar Exam: Day 1

Alright folks, I am officially 2 days away from not blogging about the Bar Exam anymore. If I happen to have any readers I know for a fact that you all are sick and tired of me writing about studying, not having a life, being broke, feeling sick/sad, and just wanting this thing to be over with.....

....but I have two more days of testing so you have two more days of reading, so HA!

Today we started typing at 8:30 am or so.

Wait, I should back up. Today I woke up at 6am, after getting up at 2am because my body seems to have decided I only need 6 hours of sleep on any given day. I laid awake from 2 until about 4, then snoozed until my alarm went off at 6am. I was in the shower by 6:05 when Leigh called me to make sure I hadn't overslept. Sweet Leigh, always looking out for me.

I was at the testing site by 7:30, about an hour before we got started. It was nice to set up my computer and pace around the church a little bit (yes, we're testing at a church. no, I don't know why) to calm my nerves. It helped a little. By 8:15 I was jumping out of my skin and willing the minutes to pass so I could get started and be put out of my misery. Once the test started I began to feel a little better. Some expected things were in the exam today and a few unexpected. I can't talk about the actual questions or answers, but I can say that on one of the questions I had practiced pretty much the same fact set last week and can say if I don't get full credit for that one there is no justice in the world, none at all! I got pretty stumped on another question and semi-stumped on the other essay. We only had 3 essays this morning because they were "long" essays. In the afternoon I wrote 2 MPTs. You can google that if you really care what it's all about.

I can honestly say I didn't bomb it today, but other that that I have no clue how I did. The MBE is tomorrow and I never have any clue how I'm doing with those questions until they're graded. Sometimes I'll be so sure I'm correct and come to find there is a weird nuance to the law I had never heard of. Sometimes I'm sure I'm taking a wild guess and it just happens to be correct. So I have zero expectation of coming out of this three day testing extravaganza with any true sense of my overall performance. I guess I'll just have to wait patiently until end of October to find out...patience, right, because that's my most prevalent personality trait.

At any rate, I took Day 1 of the Bar Exam and lived to tell about it. No tears were shed, my heart didn't stop beating in mid-sentence, and I didn't run out of time (thank God). On the way back from the test the family I'm staying with bought me dinner. It was really nice of them to make sure I got something hot to eat after such a long day. Otherwise I was looking at my 125th bowl of cheerios.

I'm pretty wiped out tonight and my brain is done processing complex concepts for the time being, so I think I'll find something to veg out to via internet TV streaming and then hit the hay early again.

6am again tomorrow......

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