Friday, July 31, 2009

il est finis

Not sure if that title is spelled right....I started drinking just after noon and it's midnight now...

Finished the Bar Exam today. I have no clue if I passed or not. I'm trying to not think about it. Nothing I can do about it at this point. As my classmate said, whether I spend the next 3 months pretending I passed or assuming I failed, if I did in fact fail I'm going to feel just as shitty either way when I get the results in October. So in the mean time I'll just assume I did great and start living my life. If it turns out I failed then I'll feel shitty for a little while then start studying again and try again later. Whatever. Life happens. Shit happens. And sometimes people fail stuff. Instead of feeling like shit every time we fail at something difficult we should just keep trying at it if it really means something to us and then celebrate when we succeed.

Today I succeeded in completing a very difficult, very long 3-day exam. I took an 8 week class and studied my ass off then sat for the scariest test of my life. I lived through it. I answered every question and finished every essay. How many people can say they've taken the Alaska Bar Exam? Not many, in the big scheme of things, so that's something.

So I completed it and then a group of us started to celebrate right away. We had lunch and Bear Tooth, with drinks. Then I went on a walk with a classmate in a cute neighborhood. After that we met up with about 5 people again later for a happy hour at Humpy's, which turned into a full on law geek party with appetizers and drinks. After a few hours those of us wanting to keep the party going wound up at a seedy karaoke bar called the Wood Shed. Now it's about midnight and I've been going hard since 6am, testing then eating and drinking....what a day.

Tomorrow I plan to sleep as long as my body will allow. Then I'll start piecing my life back together and figure out what to do next. Seattle on Sunday...... In the mean time, I'm exhausted and need to sleep.

Peace out.

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