Monday, July 13, 2009

Self-study and self-motivation

The last two weeks before the bar exam are self-study weeks. Bar Bri gives us homework to keep us moving, but there are no more lectures or classes and it's mostly review. This is a good thing overall, since there's only so much new stuff a person can shove into his/her head in a 6-8 week period of time. It also gets a little frustrating when you start missing questions you actually know the answer to but didn't recognize on the practice test. Yesterday I took a practice test and on no less than 10 of the questions I missed did I actually know the applicable law, knew it applied in that case, and yet did not recognize the correct answer as conforming with that law. I hope this is a fault of Bar Bri's writing that will not be as much of an issue on the actual exam. I'll keep practicing, but time's a-wastin'.

What is also frustrating me is my inability to get out of bed before 9am. I set my alarm for 7am daily because I really need my body to be prepared for early mornings and long days for those three days of testing. I'm usually in bed around midnight, which would normally give me about as much sleep as I had gotten used to in law school. I'm just not sleeping well at all so when the alarm goes off I cannot IMAGINE getting up and starting to study. My intentions are completely noble, but this is just not happening. I think my lack of quality sleep is a combination of stress, a not-so-comfortable bed, and the fact that it was actually daylight here at 11pm last night and the sun was once again high in the sky by 6am. I have good curtains, but not that good. Oh, and my neighbors are really loud and are taking full advantage of the midnight sun. I'm afraid I might be grinding my teeth too, which I don't think I've done since childhood, because my mouth hurts in the mornings and I get headaches pretty often.

Perhaps I should resort to pharmaceuticals (the hards stuff- tylenol pm)? : )

Anyway, I'm up but groggy and a headache is forming already. I have to camp out at University Center for a few hours this morning to pass out graded essays that UPS managed to lose last week. I also have a pretty long study "to do" list which includes both Bar Bri homework and self-inflicted homework. I'm supposed to get a practice massage from a massage student later today but haven't heard back about the time/place. This may be yet another flake out that is or so pervasive when dealing with Craigslist. We'll see.

In other news, Harry Potter opens in Anchorage on Wednesday! I was getting a little worried that it wouldn't get here till next week because that happens sometimes (in Juneau, anyway) but it's almost here! I'm definitely going to see a late show on Wednesday. That way I can get all my studying done and still see it without feeling guilty.

*sigh* better start my day. I need a shower and breakfast before I go face the world in about 45 minutes.

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