Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sleep Issues

OK, today is the day I admit to myself that I have a serious sleeping problem and something has to be done about it.

The past 2-3 weeks I have had a really hard time being out of bed before 9am. Now the past week or so it's more like 10:30-11am. Now, first off I have some sleep guilt issues left over from childhood. In summers my dad would always get angry with my brother and I for sleeping past 9am because "this is the only June 15, 1994 you're ever going to have!" or whatever the date was that day. Plus it's just a bad habit to not be able to function before 10am and not get your day started until late.

Then I have to consider the bar exam. Testing starts between 8:30 and 9am for three of the most important days of my life. If my brain can't function at those hours I'm screwed!

The reason I sleep late isn't laziness. I think it's a two part issue: 1) I'm bored out of my mind. Every day is the same and it's getting depressing. 2) I'm never tired enough at the time I need to go to bed in order to get up at a reasonable hour. This is probably because I slept late that morning, didn't do ANYTHING physical during the day, and I have restlessness issues leading to slight insomnia.

The only solution I can think of at this point is to start experimenting with sleep aids. I think I'll buy some Tylenol PM and try taking a half dose around 10pm and see what happens. Hopefully it'll be out of my system by early morning so I can get a real jump start to the day. Even more hopefully, by next Monday night I won't need it anymore and will be genuinely tired so I can get a good night's sleep before my test on Tuesday!

*sigh* OK, well once again my day didn't start until 10:30 this morning so I need to get a move on- shower, eat, and get my sorry ass to the library.

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